Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Weight Loss Update

I hate it when your scale gets stuck and no matter how well you eat it won't budge. I've become addicted  to weighing myself. I wonder how many other people are like me and can't wait for the morning to see if they have lost or gained weight. Being a woman, you shouldn't do this. Your weight fluctuates so much that its better to pick a day of the week and weigh only on that day. So, with that said, I'm putting my scale in the drawer and I'm going to start weighing only on Tuesdays. Pray that I stick to this plan. I get frustrated when I see high numbers. My emotions become a roller coaster.
Before I made this decision, I have to tell you that my scale had been stuck for 3 months. I couldn't get past 177 pounds. I asked around and a good new friend gave me her eating plan. I've stuck to it for a full week now and within the last 5 days I have lost 3 pounds. I am full all the time. I still use Shakeology everyday and I am a full believer that it has helped. But sometimes we need to change our routines to get out of the slump we are in. Now I'm down to 173 pounds. I'm so thrilled with this number. I will be more excited when I reach my halfway goal of 169. That's only 4 pounds away.
If you need someone to help you along you can sign up for FREE under my website to receive accountability, weight loss advise, workout advise, free tracking on your goals, and a chance  to win up to $1000 every day just by working out. Go to my website and sign up under the muscle man where it says free. Then log in every day under the WOWY gym when you do your workouts and you can win prizes and money.
You can do it!!! I believe in you! You do have what it takes to reach your goals. You just have to step out and do it.

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